Booking Through Thursday (48) Anticipation

Booking Through Thursday is a weekly bookish meme where participants are asked a series of questions about their reading habits. To join this or future Booking Through Thursdays Click Here.

This Week BTT Asks:
Do you still get excited about new books as you did when you were little? In general? New books in particular, like from a favorite author?
Or do you look at all new, unread books with the same level of anticipation?

If it's something I really want to read I can't help but be a bit more excited about said books release over others that I'm currently waiting on. That's not to say I'm not excited about the others but when you know it's from an Author and a series you love it makes the book a bit more special. At least it does for me.


Now for my questions:
Do you look at all books with the same level of anticipation?
If no, what makes some books different than others?

Leave your comments below or if you participate in Booking Through Thursday leave me your links so I can check your posts out as well!


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