Review: Silvern (Gilded #2) by Christina L. Farley

Author: Christina Farley
Series: Gilded #2
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy
Publisher: Skyscape
Publication Date: September 23, 2014

Jae Hwa Lee has destroyed Haemosu, the dangerous demi-god that held her ancestors captive, and now she’s ready to forget about immortals and move on with her life. Then the god of darkness, Kud, sends an assassin to kill her. Jae escapes with the knowledge that Kud is seeking the lost White Tiger Orb, and joins the Guardians of Shinshi to seek out the orb before Kud can find it.

But Kud is stronger and more devious than Haemosu ever was. Jae is soon painfully reminded that by making an enemy of Kud, she has placed her closest friends in danger, and must decide how much she can bear to sacrifice to defeat one of the most powerful immortals in all of Korea.

One of the best things about the Gilded series so far has been the way it blends Korean Mythology with that of a girl living in the modern world. I really enjoy that aspect of the series and as of finishing this installment I am still left amazed at the world Christina L. Farley has created. 

As with the first book I really enjoyed the characters. This time however, we get to meet some new faces along the way. First off we have Kud. He's the new villain and while I didn't particularly enjoy him I am curious to see where his and Jae-Hwa's story will eventually end up. We also meet the mysterious and oddly charismatic Kang-Dae whose secrets and charms seriously test the relationship of Marc and Jae. 

The last thing I really enjoyed about Silvern was the quest for the White Tiger Orb. Not only is it a really important artifact but it also leads our heroes into dangerous territory to find it. Getting to see North Korea was interesting to say the least and all those moments traveling inside of it really stood out for me. Plus we get to meet Dragons! Can't forget that.

Now even though I really enjoyed Silvern I did have a few problems with the story that kept me from rating it higher.

First off, I didn't really like Kud as a villain. Instead of being the new big bad unique in his own right he instead felt more like a rehash of Haemosu from the first book.  I think I  would of preferred that character sticking around then having Kud be just so bland as a villain. 

Another thing I didn't like was Jae-Hwa's refusal to involve Michelle. I get it, I do, she wanted to keep her safe but then again, she chose to keep her in her life and by doing that I think it was not only right but necessary to involve her as much as possible to protect her. Jae basically left Michelle a sitting duck and is completely to blame for all that befell her character. 

Lastly, the romance again between Marc and Jae Hwa felt forced. It's not that I dislike Marc as a character, he does serve a purpose but I don't feel he's right for her either. In my opinion she's meant for someone greater than him be that another Mortal or a God.  

Final Thoughts
Overall, Silvern was a fitting follow-up that's sure to please fans of the first book. However, as with the first book it does end on a cliffhanger and I know I at least wasn't expecting that (I thought this was a duology not trilogy) but from what I've read the Author has nearly finished the third book in the series so we shall see, I guess. 

With that being said, I'll be rating Silvern by Christina L. Farley  ★★★★.

 *Copy reviewed provided by netgalley.  All opinions are my own and I was not compensated in an which way  for providing them.

About the Author
After teaching and traveling internationally for ten years, Christina started writing about her adventures, tossing in a little fiction for fun. This inspired her to write GILDED, a YA based on Korean mythology about a Korean-American girl who takes her destiny into her own hands.

Besides writing, Christina loves traveling, running, driving too fast, and eating dark chocolate.

Christina writes fantasy for teens. Her debut YA, GILDED, will be published by Skyscape/Amazon Children’s, spring 2014. She is represented by Jeff Ourvan of the Jennifer Lyons Literary, LLC. 


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