Freebie Friday (74) Free Fantasy, Science Fiction and Young Adult E-Books

It's time for another edition of Freebie Friday! Each week I compile a list of books that I've found for FREE and share them with all of you! All you have to do is click on the title and it will take you to the purchase page for that book. Unless noted all books are first in the series.

Science Fiction & Fantasy

Inquisitor by R.J. Blain [Purchase]
When Allison is asked to play Cinderella-turned-Fiancée at a Halloween ball, the last thing she expected was to be accused of murder on the same night. She has to find the killer or she'll be put to death for the crimes she didn't commit. To make matters worse, the victims are all werewolves.

On the short list of potential victims, Allison has to act fast, or the killer will have one more body to add to his little black book of corpses.

There's only one problem: One of the deaths has struck too close to home, and Allison's desire for self-preservation may transform into a quest for vengeance..

Type N by Michelle N. Onuorah [Purchase]
What would you do if your blood could cure cancer?

18-year-old Nicolette Talloway is the target of a worldwide manhunt because of her blood type. When delivered via transfusion, her blood heals any ailment a human has and strengthens their immune system.

The cure for cancer, HIV/AIDS, and other previously incurable diseases is running through her veins. Her blood is the only type of its own known to exist.

As a result, Nicolette is no longer a private citizen but is the world's most wanted and sought-after human being. As she runs from government appointed agents, the question begins to shift from what her blood can do to why she has it.

Is this a gift from God? And if it is, what does he want her to do with it?

In the Skin of a Nunqua by R.J. Pouritt [Purchase]
Commander Shanti has the thankless task of turning a pampered princess into a soldier. But Rega Bayla, a witch who uses her power for intimidation, has only contempt for the half-blood commoner. Finding the heiress unfit to rule, Shanti must choose between quitting the military she loves and supporting a monarchy she no longer believes in. Tensions with the future queen mount, taking them from the rustic training camp to the elegant Willovian castle and, finally, to the lawless Outer Boundaries. Bloodthirsty monks, sinister beasts, ruthless sorcerers, and former lovers plague Shanti's existence as she speaks her mind no matter how much trouble it gets her into.

Zombie Fallout by Mark Tufo [Purchase]
It started in a lab at the CDC (Center for Disease Control), virologists were so relieved to finally have an effective vaccination against the virulent swine flu. Pressure to come up with something had come from the highest office in the land. In an attempt at speed the virologists had made two mistakes, first they used a live virus and second they didn’t properly test for side effects. Within days hundreds of thousands of vaccinations shipped across the US and the world. People lined up for the shots, like they were waiting in line for concert tickets. Fights broke out in drugstores as fearful throngs tried their best to get one of the limited shots. Within days the CDC knew something was wrong. Between 4 and 7 hours of receiving the shot roughly 95% succumbed to the active H1N1 virus in the vaccination. More unfortunate than the death of the infected was the added side effect of reanimation, it would be a decade before scientists were able to ascertain how that happened. The panic that followed couldn’t be measured. Loved ones did what loved ones always do, they tried to comfort, their kids or their spouses or their siblings, but what came back was not human not even remotely. Those people that survived their first encounter with these monstrosities usually did not come through unscathed, if bitten they had fewer than 6 hours of humanity left, the clock was ticking. During the first few hysteria ridden days of The Coming as it has become known, many thought the virus was airborne, luckily that was not the case or nobody would have survived. It was a dark time in human history. One from which we may never be able to pull ourselves out of the ashes from.

Captured (Fallen Siren 0.5) by S.J. Harper [Purchase]
Emma Monroe is a Fallen Siren, cursed by the gods and banished to Earth for her failure to prevent the kidnapping of Persephone. She’s had many names and many lives, but only one mission: redemption. Now she works for the FBI and is on temporary assignment in Charleston. Solving this next missing persons case could be the key to ending her ancient curse—unless the temptation that’s her new partner gets in the way.

Zack Armstrong is a Werewolf. Tall, dark, and dangerous, he currently works for one of the bureau’s elite Child Abduction Rapid Deployment teams. In many respects the man is every bit as mysterious as his secret and perilous past. But there are two things he’s certain about, that he’s going to get his man and his woman.

When Zack finds himself suddenly shy a partner and a third child goes missing in Charleston, Emma goes from consultant to CARD team member in the space of a few hours. The abductions of the first two boys ended in murder, an outcome that neither Zack nor Emma can abide. As they race against time to track down the kidnapper and rescue the latest victim, they find themselves fighting something just as treacherous—a growing attraction that can’t be ignored or denied.

Young Adult (Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Contemporary)

The Hawaiians by Steve Stelle [Purchase]
Surfing is not a crime, but it was in Old Hawaii when the Calvinist missionaries held power by influencing the royalty. When a group of young Americans jump ship and start the first surf camp in a downtrodden and practically deserted Waikiki, Head Missionary Hiram Bingham becomes apoplectic with rage. A cast of memorable characters fill this novel with many plot twists and ideas that are as relevant today as they were almost two hundred years ago.

In 1824 sixteen year old, orphaned William Goode was put aboard ship in New Orleans as an apprentice seaman against his will. A young man with unique abilites, he began an adventure that took him to Hawaii, forging friendships and making enemies along the way. Spanning more than a decade, this fast paced narrative is written in a blend of James Michener and James Patterson, full of accurate history and a rousing ensemble of characters presented in a page turning style.
The Calvinist missionaries want to make sure no one is having any fun while William and his friends just want to work their little farm of taro patches and fish ponds and go surfing free from religious oppression.

From the beaches of early Waikiki to the chilly winters of Boston, this novel moves back and forth, around the Horn and across the vast Pacific, with enterprising surfers, a beautiful Hawaiian princess, runaway slaves, and a renegade priest. You will fall in love with Hawaii, fall in love with the characters, and see Hawaiian history in a whole new way.

The Story of Awkward by R.K. Ryals [Purchase]
Peregrine Storke is an artist with an odd sketchbook full of pictures she’s drawn since she was a child. It is a book full of strange sketches and awkward characters, for there is no better way to hide from bullying and life than to create a world of your own. With a stroke of her pencil, she has given life to a spectacled princess, a freckle-nosed king, a candy loving troll, a two-horned unicorn, and a graceless fairy.

At nineteen, Peregrine leaves her home, her sketchbook, and awkwardness behind. But what happens when something goes wrong in the world of Awkward? Trapped inside of her complex realm with the bully she thought to leave behind, Peregrine discovers there is nothing worse than falling for your own villain.

First, Last and Always by Kim Lehman [Purchase]
CHARLOTTE Hubbard dreams about falling in love on a daily basis, but she’s long rejected the idea that someone would ever be interested in an overweight, unappealing girl like her; an opinion that is shared by her way more popular and attractive sister who seems to enjoy pointing out Charlotte's flaws as much as possible.

AND . . .

Then there's MILES Fiester, who thinks that making the basketball team is as impossible as getting the girl he’s liked since grade school to notice him. He’d have more luck getting his deadbeat dad to visit him for a day. But, in the first few weeks of high school, Charlotte and Miles come to discover that life is unpredictable, love happens when you least expect it, and there’s always a first for everything

Nissa: A Contemporary Fairy Tale by Bethany Lopez [Purchase]
Nissa is following her mother's path, and wants to be the best Fairy Godmother she can be. She's not thrilled when her new project turns out to be a teenaged girl. When she meets Vicky, and her brother Levi, Nissa has no idea what an impact they will have on her life. This is the project that will forever change or seal her fate...

Winterborne by Augusta Blythe [Purchase]
Mia Winterborne knows she is destined to be special. Her upcoming seventeenth birthday promises more than just a driver’s license. Is she a witch? The next Supergirl? Details are sketchy as her dad disappeared with all the answers when she was five. By Mia’s side is Loie Bryce, her best friend and eternal sidekick extraordinaire. The girls’ intense friendship has never wavered until now, when Andreas arrives in Salcey Ridge. They both fall hard for the British hottie, who quickly becomes a fixture in their lives. When they discover that Andreas is not who he appears to be, the frightening reality of Mia’s abilities finally hits home. The nearer Mia’s birthday draws, the more the danger escalates and long-buried lies are exposed, putting the girls on a path that they never expected.

Double Star by Cindy Saunders [Purchase]
When Cepheus, a dark god, forces seventeen-year-old Ally Ashworth off an isolated overlook, she has no idea she's falling into his world, or that the necklace she's wearing is actually a key--one with the power to ignite the next world war. But she's carried beyond his reach and into the one place where he's powerless... the forest of Gilgamesh.

Ally's never been Miss Popularity, but her outsider status takes on new meaning when she's rescued by Liam Cheveyo and his peculiar friends. After seeing them shape-shift into their freaky animal counterparts, Ally smacks hard into a few truths--magic really does exist and, although getting there took no effort, finding her way back might be impossible.

Feelings between her and Liam begin to grow along with the realization that, in this world, she's stronger and better... until she's caught in a trap set by the creepy spider-boy Cepheus sends to retrieve her. But Ally's not going down without a fight, not after learning the horrible truth about the passageways.

The survival of both worlds depends on it.

Young Adult (Dystopian, Horror)

The Loyalty Test by Kuronoshio [Purchase]
Participation is compulsory. Time is limited. One survives.
Victorious in the Second World War, Japan's pan-Asian empire is ruled by the Technicians. Criminals, the mentally ill and the unpatriotic are rounded up to undergo personality adjustment, a brutal process in which one hundred people are forced to prove their loyalty by obeying a series of increasingly horrific orders.

When Sakura Kobayashi is taken, she knows that her chances of survival are low as she struggles against a cynical system of mind-control, ethnic discrimination and state terror.
Cut, kiss, kill, eat - sex, murder, betrayal.
Failure to obey is punished by death.

Only one can survive.

*Though free at time of posting, please verify that the “Kindle Price” is actually $0.00. If you see a price for “Prime Members” or “read for free”, then the book is NOT free any longer. Please leave a comment if you notice this so I can replace with another :)

*Authors Have an upcoming book that will be FREE let me know, I'd love to feature your work in my post.


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