Book Trailer Tuesday (122) : Ultraxenopia & Type X by M.A. Phipps

Book Trailer Tuesday is a Weekly Blog Post hosted by me at Blood Sweat and Books. Each week I choose two Book Trailers to showcase. One Trailer will be for an upcoming book and the other will be one that has already been released. This week I focus my spotlight on Ultraxenopia & Type X by M.A. Phipps. *Please Note; These are the first two books in a series. 

Available Now:Ultraxenopia (Project W.A.R. #1) by M.A. Phipps

Don’t stand out. Blend in. Remain invisible. Those are the rules I lived by—the rules I thought would keep me alive. 

I was wrong.

Wynter Reeves is a law-abiding citizen of the State, a willing conformist whose daily life is haunted by terrorism and oppression. With the constant threat of death hanging over her like a shadow, she forces herself to live by a strict set of rules, all in the hope of ensuring she is never noticed. However, on her twenty-first birthday, as she prepares to take the placement exam that will determine her future within society, she begins to show symptoms of a rare and debilitating illness—ultimately attracting the attention of the State. Taken into the custody of the feared research facility known as the DSD, her worst nightmare becomes reality.

Ripped away from the life she knew, Wynter is forced to become the test subject of the mysterious Dr. Richter. Through him, she learns the true and terrifying nature of her condition: a disease called Ultraxenopia.

Expected Publication: August 19, 2016 from CHBB publishing
Type X (Project W.A.R. #2) by M.A. Phipps

*No Description available as of this posting. I will update this page once one becomes available.


What do you think of the Trailers?
Have you read Ultraxenopia ?
If so, Are you looking forward to the sequel Type X?

Strictly out of curiosity:  Would you rather?
A. Live in oppresive state but be taken care of physically?
B. Be free but always struggle?

Leave your answers in the comments below, I love reading your responses!
Have a Trailer you would like showcased? Send me an Email. I'm always on the lookout for new book trailers to spotlight. Like what you see? Please Share! I thank you if you do.


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