50 Followers Giveaway!!!!!!

Winner Confirmed! I want to Thank all Of You who Entered,Followed and Tweeted, it means so much to me!

Google Friend Connect shows that over 50 fantastic people are now following Blood, Sweat and Books. A big Thank You to all of you who helped my little blog reach this milestone. I especially send thanks to those who have shared posts, commented and retweeted time and again. You motivate me to keep doing this.

Now onto the details. I'll be giving away a book of choice from the Book Depository up to $15. That means this is International!!! Please make sure and check that they ship to your country before entering.

-Must be a follower on GFC. Please leave your name in the box provided on the Raffle Copter form (I will be double checking).
-Must be 13 and Older to enter.
-Giveaway will be Open March 16th at 1pm CST and Close April 1st at midnight CST. Winner will be announced the next morning. Winner will have 48 hours to respond with Shipping Details before I announce an alternate winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Blood Sweat and Books


  1. I like so many books, would be hard to pick just one to buy! I want them all :)

  2. Congrats on reaching 50 GFCers!

    I would probably purchase Delirium!

  3. Thank you so much for the giveaway. I have so many books that I would love to have - I can't decide!

  4. Congrats on the 50 followers! I just happened to notice your zombie-wishlist shelf on GR and decided I needed to stop by and visit a fellow zombie-lover. :)

  5. Thanks for the chance to win! :D

  6. Wow, no idea. Let's say Fever, yeah Fever. No, I have no idea, I'll get back to ya. Congrats on the first 50. Well 55 including me.

    1. Thanks for following!

      Fever is a great choice!

  7. I would probably want The Fault in Our Stars by John Green because I've heard nothing but good things about it. Thanks for the giveaway! And congrats on hitting 50 followers!


  8. I really need to buy the Hunger Games. I read it a while ago and loved it. I was gifted the 3rd book last year, bought the second about 5 months ago... now all I need is the first one. Yeah, I like to work in mysterious ways. :oP
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  9. Right now, I'm not sure what I'd choose. I'm sure if I give it enough thought I could narrow it down a bit. You know how it is :)

  10. Congrats on reaching 50 followers Kristin, that's so awesome :) !!
    Thank you so much for the giveaway .. It is so sweet to make it international :)!! I actually have no idea what I'd choose .. I'd love to win a copy of Across the Universe as I've heard nothing but good things about this series :) !! Thanks again and congratulations !!

    1. Thank you! I wanted to make it International since I know some of my longest Followers and Supporters live outside the US.

      I haven't read that yet either but I keep hearing such good things I might have to someday.

  11. I'd probably pick The Surgeon by Tess Gerritsen. :D

  12. Thanks for the chance to win! I'd probably pick Cinder; or Catching Fire by Suzanne COllins!

  13. Ummmm...argh I don't know! Maybe Dust & Decay by Jonathan Maberry - I haven't read the first book yet but I must, must!

    Congrats on 50+ followers. Love your blog!

    1. Thank You! I haven't read Dust & Decay yet either but I really enjoyed Rot & Ruin.

  14. Thanks for the chance to win I'd probably pick wicked as they come or personal effects

  15. Ahh! So many good books! I'd probably want a copy of Under the Never Sky or Insurgent!

    thanks for hosting this giveaway & congrats on 50+ followers! :D

  16. So many to choose from - maybe Partials or The Crown of Embers if allowed pre-orders!


  17. I think the book i would buy is "Cinder" By Marissa Meyers. It sounds so interesting!!

    Thanks for the giveaway =D

  18. Congratulations and thank you for making it international. I think Partials by Dan Wells. :)

  19. I'm seeing some really great book choices!

  20. And now you have 70 followers! Not that many until you reach 100, darling. :) Congrats! And thank you so much for making it international! International giveaways make us European bloggers so happy.

    Hmmm, I'd like to win either a copy of Starters by Lissa Price or Blood Red Road by Moira Young.

    Agnieszka @ Nook of Books

    1. Both awesome choices!

      If I hit 100 before this ends I will prob bump up the amount to $20 and kinda combine 50 & 100 follower giveaways together :)

  21. Congrats on the followers! If I win, I would probably choose Dearly, Departed by Lia Habel or a preorder of Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin. :-)

    I hope you entered my giveaway when you stopped by Bibliophilia, Please earlier! :-)

  22. Christina Kit. in the rafflecopter

    Congrats! Your blog is great:))

    I'd probably choose Spell Bound by Rachel Hawkins.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Hey Kristin, I come across your comment on my blog, so thank you so much. You site is awesome :) Well, I'd probably choose some book by Jeffery Deaver, maybe The Bone Collector :)

    1. It's so annoying editing comments isn't allowed through blogspot huh??

      Thanks for stopping by and entering!

    2. Yeah, one mistake and no way how to fix it after posted on wall. But, blogspot is the one of the better, isn't it? Well, I have giveaway on blog too, but for now isn't international ... maybe later.

  25. Hi! Congrats for your 50 followers! Thanks for this giveaway! I would probably take Blood on Silk by Marie Treanor! Thanks again!


  26. Oh goodness, just pick one? I've been eying Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa.

  27. Mirka H. in rafflecopter.
    Great giveaway! Congrats for 50 followers. :)
    I would probably choose Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa or Partials by Dan Wells. :)

  28. Hi, I'm a new follower!
    Congrats for the 50th follower, even if I can see there are a lot more now :)
    I think I will probably choose "Divergent", I've read lots of good reviews about it but haven't got the chance to read it yet.

    1. :-) thanks for following. Divergent is such a great choice!

  29. Thanks! :) and Congrats! :) Soon enough you'll have 100 followers!
    It's hard to answer on your question, maybe Insurgent, but I'm not sure! :)

    Greetings! :)

  30. Maybe the third book from Anna Godbersen series, The Luxe.


  31. I'd buy Wither by Lauren DeStefano!! n_n

  32. I'd pick The Morning Gift by Eva Ibbotson

  33. Congrats!

    Thanks for the giveaway! At the moment I have no idea what I would choose because there are so many books on my TBR list.

    Doodle @ Doodle's Book Blog

  34. Congrats on 50 followers :)

    Maybe Article 5 by Kristen Simmons

    1. I keep meaning to pick up that book as well. It looks like such a good read.

  35. Thanks for the great giveaway!!! If I won I would buy Trail by Fire!!!

  36. I'd pick Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross! I read it and it became one of my favorite books :D so I totally want a copy of it on my bookshelf !


    Rachel @ Books to Consider

  37. I would like Gillespie and I by Jane Harris.
    Thank you and congrats!

    Malvina Beatrice

  38. I would like Wicked As They Come or Divergent...both sound fab!!! Congrats on reaching and exceeding follower goal!!!! Thanks for the great giveaway also!!!!


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