Book Blogger Confessions (1)

Book Blogger Confessions is a meme that posts the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month, where book bloggers "confess" and vent about topics that are unique to us. Feel free to share, vent and offer solutions. Just keep it respectful - no bashing authors or other bloggers!

If you want to participate just grab the button and include it in your post with a link to either Tigers All Consuming Media or For What It's Worth.

Today's question is:Everyone LOVES that book! Why don't I? How do you handle being the one reviewer who doesn't like a book that's taking the blogosphere by storm? Do you write a review? Pretend you didn't read the book?

I've had this happen several times. It's frustrating and a bit disappointing when others rave about something and you just can't seem to grasp why. I have never not completed a review. Even on Books I didn't like, I felt I owed it to the Author at least to explain why. I've only ever read one book (that I reviewed) I just didn't get and that was Ninja Versus Pirate featuring Zombies. That book has a special place in mind f*ck hell reserved for it. I do know others who have read it and loved it but for me no, just, no.

Sometimes I feel that in trying to be the best all around Blogger possible I'm reading books outside my comfort zone. It's not a bad thing, I've found some Amazing books I probably would never have read because of this. I do however feel that I can't enjoy them as much as someone who has always read the genre,I see them through more cynical eyes. I'm the one screaming at the book going why are you making the heroine do this, she should be slapping him across the face and walking away not crying in her room over the jerk. Yet when I read reviews the parts I hated are the parts others loved.

Bottom line at the end of the day their will always be books some of us love and some of us hate. We all have differences of opinion and even when someone loves a book I hated I still enjoy reading why they feel that way and vice versa. I'd rather give the book a chance, then not just because the reviews weren't stellar. In the end the only opinion about a book that matters is my own. Whether for good or bad I'd rather say I tried.


  1. That's what happened to me! Trying to read books I wouldn't normally because of all the high ratings and wanting to expand my reading.
    I have found great books that way but I realized I need to stick closer to the books I know that will like.


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