Weekly Wrap Up (18)

Welcome back to My Weekly Wrap Up!!! Each Week I will share My Weekly Wrap Up of Books (reviews,bought,won etc..). So let's get to it shall we!

Netgalley/E-Books For Review

Ironskin by Tina Connolly
The Passage by Justin Cronin
Diverse Energies by Various Authors
Two and Twenty Dark Tales: Dark Retellings Of Mother Goose Rhymes by Various Authors

*Thank You Lee and Low Books,Month9Books,Tor Books and Ballantine Books for providing E-copies to review.

Books For Review

None :(

Books Won/Gifted

Pax Omega by Al Ewing
Greatshadow by James Maxey
I won both of these from a Book Chick City giveaway!

E-Books Purchased

Shifting by B.V. Larson
Ex-Heroes by Peter Clines

Books Purchased

None :(

Books Review

Broken City by D.D. Chant
Eden's Root by Rachel Fisher

Book Giveaways

Eden's Root,Seeds Of War Giveaway open INT*Ends in 3 Days!!!*

I think that about wraps up my Week. Link me to yours (Don't care which meme just like reading them)in the comments below. Have you read any of the books I've mentioned? If you read my reviews,I thank you. Like what you see, please share.


  1. A great haul this week! Enjoy all your books!

    Sam @ Falling Books

  2. I've seen Ironskin on a lot of WoW posts, I'm curious to see the reviews. Enjoy all your books!

    1. I'm planning on reading Ironskin closer to publication so will be awhile before I have a review up.

  3. I almost bought The Passage this week but I refrained because I already have too many books!

    1. The Passage is one I've flipflopped on buying that when I saw it on Netgalley I grabbed the chance to read it.

  4. I loved The Passage - but it's definitely a love it or hate it book. Ex-Heroes has been on my 'watch' list for a long time, so I'll be waiting to see what you think of it.



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