Waiting On Wednesday (26)

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly blog post hosted by Breaking The Spine. For this week's Waiting On Wednesday I chose *drumroll* Revolution 19 by Gregg Rosenblum

Expected Publication:January 8,2013
Twenty years ago, the robots designed to fight our wars abandoned the battlefields. Then they turned their weapons on us.

Only a few escaped the robot revolution of 2071. Kevin, Nick, and Cass are lucky —they live with their parents in a secret human community in the woods. Then their village is detected and wiped out. Hopeful that other survivors have been captured by bots, the teens risk everything to save the only people they have left in the world—by infiltrating a city controlled by their greatest enemies.

Author: Gregg Rosenblum
Publisher: Harper Teen
ISBN: 0062125958
Goodreads Page: Click Here

Why Am I Waiting
I was a big fan of the movie IRobot and find the whole premise of a Robot uprising terrifying and fascinating at the same time. I wonder what caused the Robot revolution and will it ever end or is humanity doomed to extinction.

That wraps up my Waiting on Wednesday, leave me the link to yours so I can check it out as well! Have you heard of this book before? Do you think Computer technology will be a blessing or curse in the future? Let me Know In The Comments Below! I love reading your responses.


  1. I love robots. This sounds very terminator judgement day like! Awesome!
    My WOW

    1. I didn't even think of Terminator but your so right!!

  2. I have seen this book around and it really looks interesting! I haven't read any book with robots inside but I look forward to this one!

    Here is my WoW post

  3. The cover looks awesome, and the summary sure sounds interesting! Great pick! Thanks for sharing!
    My WoW

  4. Haven't heard of this book but I'm TOTALLY checking it out ;) Great pick! :D

    Fara @ Tumbling In Books

  5. Great minds! We've the same pick this week. Great choice:) Revolution 19 sounds awesome.

  6. IRobot was indeed a very good movie! I can't wait for this book, it sounds really interesting and love, love that cover. :) Awesome pick.

  7. Robot uprising ~ with the way our technology advances so rapidly, you never know! Great choice :) *new follower*

    Here's my WoW

    Happy Reading :)

    Keely @ Realms of an Open Mind

  8. ROBOT UPRISING SOUNDS AWESOME! I loved Terminator and IRobot so this premise really does have me intrigued. Can't wait to read it :) Awesome choice this week.

    New Follower / My WoW

  9. Nice pick. This sounds like a pretty good story. It sort of reminds me of Partials. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I'm really looking forward to reading this one. Great pick. It sounds amazing!
    Come check out my WOW post.

  11. I love robot books too, this one sounds like something I definitely need to read. Thank you for posting!

  12. I just added this to my tbr! It looks amazing! Awesome pick!

    Our WoW for the week =)

  13. I can't wait for this one, as well! It sounds so frickin' amazing! *squee*

    My WOW

  14. Sounds fab! Thanks for sharing.

  15. Great pick!! Will HAVE to check it out now!
    My link - WoW
    Following you on GFC now, follow me back? :)
    That Readioactive Book Blog

  16. I hadn't heard of this book but it sounds like it could be awesome! I also loved the movie irobot!
    My WOW: http://nightmareonbookstreet.blogspot.com/2012/09/waiting-on-wednesday-5.html

  17. Ooooo!!! Great pick! I already have this one pre-ordered and I cannot WAIT to get my hands on it! :-D

    Thanks for visiting my WoW today!

    1. I didn't realize it was available for Pre-Order! I will have to do so.

  18. I haven't read any robot stuff yet but this one sounds interesting.

  19. sounds interesting! i haven't heard of it before so thanks! thanks for stopping by our WoW.


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