Weekly Wrap Up (20)

Welcome back to My Weekly Wrap Up!!! Each Week I will share My Weekly Wrap Up of Books (reviews,bought,won etc..). So let's get to it shall we!

Gosh it's been so long since I've done one of these. Those of you who follow me on Twitter might recall my rants about missing books in the mail. To make a long story short the woman behind the counter found a huge box in the warehouse (those big mail bins) filled to the brim with lost mail,coupons and books dating back to June I kid you not. I desperately need a new PO close to me so I can monitor more closely and ensure this doesn't happen again. The no paperbacks for review still stands til I can afford to.

Anywho....On to the Books!!

Netgalley/E-Books For Review

Entangled by Nikki Jefford
The Violet Fox by Clare C. Marshall
Word and Breath by Susannah Noel
Girl Under Glass by Monica Enderle Pierce

*Thank You Nikki Jefford,Clare C. Marshall,Monica Enderle Pierce and Susannah Noel for the copies to review.

Books For Review

Cursed by Jennifer L. Armentrout
The Zombie Generation by Drake Vaughn
Katya's World by Jonathan L. Howard
Haywire by Justin R. Macumber
The Alaska Oil Conspiracy by David A. DesAutels
Mad World: Epidemic by Samaire Provost
Last Stand On Zombie Island by Christopher Eger

*Thank You Jennifer L. Armentrout,Drake Vaughn,Jonathan L. Howard,Justin R. Macumber,David A. DesAutels,Christopher Eger and Samaire Provost for providing copies to Review and for being so patient during my lost mail fiasco:)

E-Books Purchased

Domesday by Kei Urahama
Yesterday's Gone: Season 3 by Sean Platt and David Wright

Books Reviewed

Hanging By A Thread by Sophie Littlefield
Schoolgirl Apocalypse by John Cairns
Glitch by Heather Anastasiu

Book Won/Gifted

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa
Pax Omega by Al Ewing
Greatshadow by James Maxey
Dark Companion by Marta Acosta
Slide by Jill Hathaway
Cold Fury by T.M.Goeglein

*Thank you Tor Books,Jill Hathaway,Putnam Books,@KathrynV and Book Chick City for the books.

I think that about wraps up my Week. Link me to yours (Don't care which meme just like reading them)in the comments below. Have you read any of the books I've mentioned? If so, How did you like them? If you read my reviews,I thank you. Like what you see, please share.


  1. Look at all those books! Happy reading!

    1. Yeah but you have to remember all the physical books have been acquired from since June I just got my hands finally on them last Thursday :)


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