Happy Thanksgiving and a Giveaway?!?! Say What!!

Today is Thanksgiving *yippee*!!! I wanted to take a moment to just say how Thankful I am for my wonderful followers. I could not continue doing this without your support. Each and every one of you are my motivation to keep doing this. I especially want to send thanks to those who have shared posts, commented and retweeted time and again. It really means so much!

I know it's been a long while since I've had a Giveaway. To Thank all of you for sticking with Blood, Sweat and Books and for being such awesome followers, I have an (up to) $10 Book of choice from Barnes& Noble up for grabs.

Giveaway rules:

-Must Be A Follower on GFC,Networked Blogs or Twitter. Please leave your name in the box provided on the Raffle Copter form (I will be double checking).

-Giveaway will be Open November 22,2012 starting at 5:30 a.m. CST and Close November 30, 2012 at midnight CST. Winner will be announced the next morning. Winner will have 48 hours to respond with Shipping Details and book selection before I announce an alternate winner.

-Giveaway open to International Followers but just take note that due to finances you will be gifted E-Books as prizes.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. the potatoes <3 I'm a vegetarian, so I practically only eat potatoes over this holiday. lol

    1. My brother is a veg and he makes the best Tofurkey dish it tastes very close to actual turkey but obviously isn't.

    2. See, I haven't had the best experiences with tofu. It's gotta be made RIGHT or it doesn't taste good at all and unfortunately nobody in my family is a talented kick...so tofu simply is not that tasty for me :( haha I should just spend thanksgiving with your brother. Another veg-head to understand my problems!

      Fingers crossed so tight for this <3 Have my eyes on Stealing Parker!

  2. Hi! Great giveaway! My favorite Thanksgiving food...I would have to say macaroni and cheese (my favorite food EVER) and also the turkey because it's the only time of year I eat it. :)

  3. Thanks for the giveaway, and Happy Thanksgiving! My favorite food is definitely the stuffing!

  4. Chicken, potatoes and lots of gravy :)

  5. My fave is the turkey and cranberry jello salad. Thanks for the giveaway

    1. I don't think I've ever heard of Cranberry Jello Salad. Sounds interesting and tasty!!

  6. My favorite Thanksgiving food is definitely sweet potatoes! I usually see sweet potatoes as a healthy lunch alternative (baked in the oven, with nothing on them), but at Thanksgiving they're a decadent treat: brown sugar and marshmallows? Yum!

    1. I like mashes sweet potatoes with brown sugar and butter mmmm. Sadly I completely forgot to eat any last night :(

  7. sweets w/ marshmallows. cliche i know, but sooo good

  8. Stuffing! Also key lime pie (do people in states other than Florida eat key lime pie?)

    1. I'm a Key Lime Pie fan but have never had it for Thanksgiving. Usually for Thanksgiving its Pumpkin, Pecan and Apple in my house.

  9. My favorite food is the rolls my stepmom makes. If that doesn't qualify as "thanksgiving food", turkey is my choice. :)

  10. My favorite food is either the potatoes or the cream corn.

  11. Stuffing and green bean casserole!! Thanks for the giveaway :)

    1. It's been forever since I've had green bean casserole. Mmmm


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