Weekly Wrap Up (38)


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Welcome to my Weekly Wrap Up!! Each week I share My Weekly Wrap Up of everything Book related (reviews,books purchased,won etc..). So let's get to it shall we!

 Books Received For Review

*Thank you to John Kerry, Shane Scollins, L.W. Patricks,Stephanie Parent and Blue Rider Press for the review copies.

Books Reviewed This Week

Books Purchased

Books Won/Gifted
*won from Librarything


None this week but come back tomorrow to enter the Fairy Tale Giveaway Hop!!
Well I think that about wraps up my Week. Link me to yours (Don't care which meme just like reading them)in the comments below.

Have you read any of the books I've mentioned? If so, How did you like them? If you read my reviews or leave a comment,I thank you. Like what you see, please share. I really appreciate when you do!


  1. I was walking around the other day and someone handed me a card with the Mona Lisa on it -- a promo for the free DaVinci Code download. It's a fun book -- hope you enjoy it!

    You can find me here: Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. I've read the DaVinci code in the past but it was a copy borrowed. I think its a fun book, I love the movie version as well. What a neat way to find out it was Free. I never get handed cool propaganda like that.

  2. Ooooh, nice week! Gotta go read your review of The Ward now! Got my eye on that one! Hope you love all your new reads! <3

  3. I just started The Ward and it's interesting and different so far. Forty Days looks great! I love the idea of living on an arc. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I'm SO jealous that you have read The Ward! It sounds SOOO good! I can't wait to try it. I'll have to o read your review now. Thanks for stopping by. Happy reading.
    Our Week in Books @Libby Blog

  5. Great haul! I still need to read The Ward, but I've heard good things so far. Will definitely check out your review later. Enjoy all your new reads!

  6. Great books! I hope you enjoy them all! I hadn't heard of any of these (besides The DaVinci Code) They look great


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