Armchair BEA- Literary Fiction

Design credit: Sarah of Puss Reboots 

Today we've been asked to talk about Literary Fiction. While I read tons of books, Literary Fiction usually isn't among them. I tend to think of Literary Fiction as a stuffier version of a Contemporary novel and since I don't really read Contemporary you can see why I might not gravitate to Literary Fiction.

However, as I stated yesterday during the Genre Fiction post, If  it sounds interesting I'll read it. This year I haven't read many books that I personally believe fit the Literary Fiction title although I have read at least one.

The title was called The Wall and it is one of the most heartbreaking yet uplifting and telling stories I've ever read.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if The Wall became a classic along the lines of The Kite Runner (which if you haven't read you should). The story was great and I would highly recommend it. If you want to read my review on this title click here.

Now, If The Wall doesn't quite sound like the book for you, I have a small handful of books I'd recommend reading if your wanting to try Literary Fiction out. In no particular order those books are:

All the books shown above are ones that really stuck with me through the years and would be books I'd recommend reading at least once.

Do you read Literary Fiction? If so, Recommend me a book to read! 
If you tend not to read Literary Fiction, Why not?

Feel free to leave links to your posts in the comments below. I love reading them all.


  1. I will have to add The Wall to my list. I also really enjoyed The Road.

    1. If you do end up reading The Wall I'd love hearing your thoughts about it.

  2. Love these books too! I do read literary fiction, but I like lots of genres (and honestly feel many books can fit into multiple genres)
    Have you eve read The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver? I think you would like it!
    Kerri @ Turn the Page Reviews

    1. No I haven't I will go check that out on Goodreads. Thanks for the suggestion.

  3. I love Jeff Eugenides. Have you read anything else by him? Try Middlesex.

    1. No I haven't yet. Thanks for the suggestion!

  4. thanks, I was not familiar with The Wall. sounds interesting.
    I loved The Historian (and also The Swan Thieves, by the same author) and Never Let Me Go.

  5. Ooo, you have some really good picks. I really liked The Road!

  6. I have The Historian and haven't read it yet! The Wall sounds great! Great post!!

    my ABEA post


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