From Page To Screen (51) Flowers In The Attic

For this weeks From Page To Screen I'll be comparing the book turned film Flowers In The Attic by V.C. Andrews.

First let's discuss the book.
Here is a bit of back story in case some of you aren't familiar with the novel. Flowers in the Attic is a novel written by Author V.C. Andrews. The book was originally published November 1979 by Simon and Schuster. Even before publication the book was plagued with controversy due to the main characters having an incestuous relationship. However, this controversy might've been a good thing as the book has gone on to sell over 40 million copies worldwide.

Let's take a look at some of the characters now, shall we.
Catherine Dollanganger-The protagonist and narrator of the novel. Cathy is the second child and oldest daughter of Christopher and Corrine. Cathy loves Ballet and dreams of becoming a professional dancer some day. During their time in the attic, she falls in love with her brother Chris. 

Christopher Dollanganger, Jr.- Oldest son and child of Christopher and Corrine. Chris is the older brother of Cathy, Cory, and Carrie. He is an over-achiever and dreams of studying medicine. During their time in the attic, he falls in love with his sister Cathy.

Cory & Carrie Dollanganger-Twin brother and sister of Cathy and Chris and youngest children o Christoper and Corrine. Cory is described as the "quiet one of the twins" while Carrie is much more outgoing. 

Main differences between the book and film
In case some of you aren't familiar with film, here is a bit of back story. Flowers in the Attic is a film directed by Jeffrey Bloom and was released November 20,1987 by New World Pictures. Wes Craven was almost chosen as the director for the film but was turned down by producers for his graphic and overly violent script. Flowers in the Attic went on to make $15 million worldwide and was considered to be a success. A sequel was planned with all Actors on board to reprise roles but never made.  However, it has been announced that a Remake is currently in pre-production with Heather Graham playing Corrine and academy award winner Ellen Burstyn in the role of Olivia the children's Grandmother.

Main differences between the book and the film
Corrine is portrayed as a loving mother early on.                                       Corrine shows jealousy toward her Children particularly Cathy.
Chris overhears the caretaker John Amos talking to the maid about the Will.Chris finds his Grandfather's will and figures out his mothers intentions.
Cathy and Chris are young teenagers upon entering the attic. Cathy and Chris are both much older.
The Children are imprisoned in the attic 3 years.The Children are imprisoned one year. 
Chris and Cathy have an incestuous relationship. Chris and Cathy flirt with each other but never actually have sex. 
Cory dies of Arsenic poisoning it is implied that Corrine hides the body in one of the Attic's unused rooms. Cory dies and is buried on the property.

This does not happen. Suspecting they have an Incestuous relationship Chris and Cathy are whipped by their Grandmother. 
This does not happen. John Amos reveals four freshly dug graves intended for the children.
Corrine marries Bart Winslow during the children's 2nd year imprisoned in the Attic. She spends many months away on a lavish honeymoon. Corrine is about to marry Bart Winslow but the ceremony is stopped when the Children burst into the hall after having escaped.
Corrine attends secretarial school and visits with the children each day during the first year they spend in the attic. She also showers them with lots of gifts.Corrine never attends secretarial school, rarely visits with her children, and brings them only a few gifts in the film.
After escaping the Attic the Children quietly leave Foxworth Hall during the night.The Children escape the Attic by knocking their Grandmother unconscious they they confront their mother.
This does not happen.

Corrine falls off the balcony. Her bridal veil is caught on the edge and she is strangled to death.

These are the major differences I noticed when the book was taken From Page To Screen. Which however do I prefer? While I really love the film version I do believe this week the clear winner is the book. The film in many ways toned down the violence towards the Children which is understandable but nonetheless missed. Yes the book is brutal and often times uncomfortable to read but it is brilliantly told. Definitely check out the book if you haven't already and same goes for the film. 

Still not convinced? Check out the trailer below!

Well that about wraps up this weeks From Page To Screen. Have a recommendation for an upcoming From Page To Screen, let me know in the comments below!

Have you read the book or watched the film? 
Which did you like better? Why? 

Just for fun:
If you've read V.C. Andrews before, What is your favorite book?

Leave your answers in the comments below, I love to read your responses. 


  1. My mom really enjoyed the movie, so I decided to get the book to read it. I skimmed the details to avoid possible spoilers, but I am glad my choice is the better one. :) I cannot wait!

  2. While I have heard of this novel and the movie I haven't read it nor watched it. I have heard only great things about it though. I'm glad you enjoyed both but for me almost always the book wins. Great post :)


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