Weekly Wrap Up (78)
Posts From This Past Week
Tuesday: Book Trailer Tuesday (87) Pawn by Aimee Carter & The One by Kiera Cass
Wednesday: Waiting On Wednesday (93) Perfected by Kate Jarvich Birch
Review: Rebel (Reboot #2) by Amy Tintera
Thursday: Cover Reveal! Empower: Fight Like A Girl Anthology
Friday: Blog Tour Interview: Frenzy by Robert Lettrick
Reviews Missed From 4/14 - 4/23
The Lost by Sarah Beth Durst
The Eighth Day by Dianne K. Salerni
Until the End of the World by Sarah Lyons Fleming
Deliver Me by Kate Jarvik Birch
Infested by Mark R. Faulkner & Apocalypse(s) by John A. Burks
Books Received For Review
Not Pictured:
The Doomsday Playbook Parts 1-3 Rashad Freeman
Thank You to Disney-Hyperion, Harper Teen, Balzer + Bray, Random House Children's, Rashad Freeman
Books Purchased Recently
I'm so happy to have my internet back. If you didn't know or didn't see my post Monday I'd been dealing with an outage since a lightning storm the previous week. The internet company swore it was on my end but finally after many calls and complaints realized it was on them. Then came the wait of a technician coming out and a bunch of other stuff that delayed it from being fixed properly promptly. On the personal side of things I bought and new bike! It's considerably more expensive than my last one but also a hybrid so no more huffing and puffing up hills, yay!! I also have been reading up a storm and have been getting a jump start on my Summer reads and also working my way through a bunch of titles that I've had on my Kindle a long time.
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