In My Mailbox (6)

In My Mailbox is a weekly blog post hosted by The Story Siren. Each Week I will post the books I have gotten for Review,Bought,Won,Gifted well you get the idea.

Books For Review

Goodreads Page

Goodreads Page

Goodreads Page

*Big thank you to Simon&Schuster,Jessica Fortuna (E-copy)and Thomas Nelson Publishing for providing copies to review.

Books I Won

Goodreads Page
I actually entered for this because I thought my husband might like it. So far he's digging it. I'm gonna see if I can convince him to write a short review when he is done.:)
Goodreads Page

I won this over at Library thing. This was also the first item I have ever won through them so pretty excited.

E-Books I Bought

Goodreads Page

Goodreads Page

Thanks for stopping by and Checking out my In My Mailbox this week. Have you read,bought any of these? Let me know in the comments below. I love reading your responses.

Since I feel like I'm forgetting books at time of posting, if I have I will add them to next weeks IMM with a notation saying so. :)

Sorry for the so-so quality had to use my phone for it.


  1. Shine is popular this week, makes me feel like I'm missing out on something! *lol*

    Great haul :)

    Come see what I got In My Mailbox this week!

    1. I'm not gonna lie was shocked to see Shine in the mail. I think I did the happy dance of joy for 20 minutes.

  2. I remember reading Charlotte's Web to my daughter. Lovely story.

    1. Believe it or not my daughter hasn't read this book yet. So she will be getting my old,beat up, taped together copy and I will be putting this one on my shelf.

  3. Thank you for the visit! I'm looking forward to reading Shine!
    In My Mailbox Post

  4. WOW, awesome books. I cry every time to Charlotte's Web. My girls don't but I do.. I have to check out Swipe and Shine they look good.

    Happy Reading and thanks for stopping by my IMM.


    1. I will always have a special place in my heart reserved for Charlotte's Web.

  5. Nice IMM this week although I'm not familiar with any of the titles except Charlotte's Web. Eeps. Anyway, congrats on your book wins. Happy Reading.

    My IMM

  6. Great set! Hope you enjoy Shine. I should read more of her books.
    My IMM

  7. Nice! I got Blood by Kody Boye too.

    That would be fun if your husband wrote a review.

    1. I think so to. He's still saying maybe so I have my fingers crossed!

  8. Great IMM :D
    I haven't read most of these books, so I am going to have to check them out and to be ever growing tbr pile lol!


    1. I'd rather have an every growing TBR than nothing new to read at all :)

  9. I'm excited to read Shine. I'm hoping it's the last of the series so I can finally cross another series off.

  10. I've been hearing good things about Shine this week. Enjoy it :)

  11. Shine looks so good! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week. Thanks for checking out my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  12. Ohhhhh Shine! Nice. I've been reading Swipe but I think it's a little too YA for me (if you know what I mean!!).

    I loved Charlotte's Web, seeing it makes me want to go and buy a copy and reminisce!

    Have a great week :-D

  13. First, I gotta say, I absolutely adore your blog design! It's sweet! Second, love the books you got! Charlotte's Web is my all time favorite childhood read! :-) My IMM Post

  14. Great IMM! Shine looks really good! Enjoy all of your books!

    You can check out my IMM here!

    Megan (new follower!)

  15. Awesome book haul! I just finished Shine a few hours ago. My heart is so, so happy. I hope you enjoy all the books!

  16. Love the name of your blog...very true!!!

    new follower..hi!

    I am a tad overdue at library on Shade and Shift, must open shortly:D Shine looks great!


    1. Thank you for the follow! Don't get to overdue at the library don't want the librarian to come after you ;-)

  17. Great haul! Shine looks like an awesome book. Enjoy =) and thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Ange @ the Moonlight Reader

  18. Ahhh Shine! Another blog with that book :D Charlotte's Web used to be my favourite as a child. Brings back memories. Happy Reading!

    Giselle from
    In My Mailbox

  19. Charlotte's Web! Such a classic! <3 I have seen so many people with Shine and raving about it but I haven't read the series yet. I think I will have to change that soon! Enjoy! :)

  20. I love Charlotte's Web!! I won a whole pack of ebooks from Kody Boye, I was so excited. I got like 6 or 7 books!!!

  21. You got SHINE!! *_* I need to read her books T_T
    enjoy! and thanks for stopping by BookPics!

  22. I bet you did the happy dance at the mailbox for Shine!!! I would! It's nice to see people still books in the mail! I personally love actual books, myself!! Don't worry about the pic, either ~ I suck at taking pics of my books so I pretty much gave up on it. I give you bonus points for even doing it!!!

    Thanks for visiting me! Oh, and I'm following you now, too.
    -Kristin @myparahangover

    1. Thank you for the follow. I always do the happy dance. I feel extremely lucky whenever someone chooses me to review a book. A dance of joy expresses that feeling nicely lol.

  23. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my IMM :-)

    Ahh I remember Charlotte's Web, such an awesome story. Shine looks pretty interesting, I think I'll have to look into it!!

    Enjoy all your books,
    Shaheen @ Speculating on SpecFic
    My IMM!

  24. Great haul. I have yet to read the series that Shine is part of, but I have heard good things about it. Hope you enjoy all of the books you got this week. :)

  25. New follower! I also received Swipe for review and am looking forward to reading it! Here is my IMM if you'd like to follow back:

    1. Thanks for the follow and sharing IMM. I am really looking forward to reading Swipe it just looks so good.

  26. Swipe looks amazing! Thanks for stopping by earlier today. I hope you enjoy your reads. You have a new follower. :)

  27. OMG!!! So jealous that you got Shine. Great haul! =D Enjoy your reads!=D

    Fara @ Tumbling In Books

  28. awww Charlotte's Web! Loved it. These are all new to me except Shine which I'll be passing on. It's way too sad and I loved Logan so the series ending for me with Shift. Thanks or stopping by My IMM!

  29. Nice haul! Charlotte's Webit I haven't even read *hides* haha. Swipe sounds pretty good!!

    Xpresso Reads

    1. I haven't read it in many years but it was one of my favorite books growing up.


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