Weekly Wrap Up (66)

Welcome to my Weekly Wrap Up!! Each week I share My Weekly Wrap Up of everything Book related (reviews,books purchased,won etc..). Each picture is linked for your convenience. All you need do is click on the cover and it will take you to the appropriate page! I'll also be linking my post up to Stacking The Shelves & The Sunday Post .

Hello again! After a very relaxed Thanksgiving week I was super pleased with keep my word about resumes regular blogging. Not only did I get all my normally scheduled posts up but I also managed to read quite a few books so yay me and Hooray for success! Besides blogging I managed to get some Christmas shopping done and ooo we had the first snowfall of the Season! Want to see a picture? Course you do, lol.

This is the park behind my place but I figured it is much lovelier to look at than a parking lot covered in snow, lol. Anywho.... enough about me, let's get to the wrap up!

What you missed last week.

Books Received for Review

*Thank you Balzer + Bray, Harper Collins &  Harper Teen for the review books!

Books Purchased this Week

Books Won or Received as Gifts
*Audiobook gifted through Audible

Have you read any of the books I've mentioned? If so, How did you like them? If you read my reviews or leave a comment, thank you! Like what you see? Please share. If you share, awesome!! I really appreciate when you do!


  1. I got Don't You Forget About Me this week, too, and I can't help but get the song stuck in my head each time I see it. :) It sounds super-intriguing, and I can't wait to find the time to pick it up. Love your snow pic...we only got ice here in Dallas, but it was enough to shut the Metroplex down for the weekend. Work, school, and the company Xmas party were all cancelled, not to mention the parade and marathon. I've barely left my house except to get more firewood. :) Hope you're enjoying your weekend and all your new reads!

    1. Hah I do the same whenever I cross the title. I hope your ice has mostly melted by now. Were still dealing with it up here. For whatever stupid reason Tulsa doesn't plow or salt residential roads so while major routes are clear every side road is ice packed.

  2. I got Don't You Forget About Me as well. Harper Teen had some good titles on EW. Awesome stack of books this week. Come check out my stack as well.

    Books of Love

    1. Yes, EW had some really awesome books pop on this week. My 2014 schedule is shaping up nicely.

  3. I am curious about Caleo, the snow at the park looks lovely and very much like here! have a wonderful week and stay warm!

    1. It's quite good. I read it last year I believe. Looking forward to the Audiobook though.

  4. It is always good to get back to normality!! Go you!! I really want to get into The Arcana Chronicles series.... hope to pick them up soon. Have a fab week.

    Here's My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  5. Great haul! I also got Enclave this week, that series looks so good and I have heard such great things. I hope you enjoy them all :) My STS.

    1. Enclave is a book I've gone back and forth about buying but finally bit the bullet and did so.

  6. Oooh, nice haul! I hope you enjoy them. I still have to start Christmas shopping. I'm procrastinating this year. :)

    1. I'm an expert at procrastination don't feel bad. :)

  7. Ooooooo! I'm jealous of your haul! I've been wanting to read Avalon, but now that I've seen the synopsis for (Don't You) Forget About Me, I think I need to go on a quest for it as well!

    1. I wasn't sold on Avalon until reading Proxy this past week but now I know I need to read it. I hope you're successful on your quest to find a copy of (Don't You) Forget About Me.


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